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To make a contribution, or learn more about sponsoring the UNC IT Awards, please contact this year's IT Awards Committee.

What are the levels of sponsorship?

There are four levels of sponsorship. They are: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

  • Platinum sponsors contribute $3,500 and above.
  • The sponsors are formally recognized during the UNC IT Awards ceremony, and will receive a corporate logo which links from the UNC IT Awards webpage to their own webpage. In addition, the sponsor will be recognized in the printed program.
  • As a bonus, Platinum sponsors may send three representatives to the UNC IT Awards ceremony free of charge.
  • Platinum sponsors will also have the option of setting up a booth or table.

  • Gold sponsors contribute between $2,500 and $3,499.
  • The sponsors receive a formal recognition during the UNC IT Awards ceremony, and receive recognition on the UNC IT Awards webpage. Additionally, the sponsor will be recognized in the printed program for the ceremony.
  • As a bonus, Gold sponsors may send two representatives to the UNC IT Awards ceremony free of charge.

  • Silver sponsors contribute between $1,500 and $2,499.
  • The sponsors receive recognition in the printed program for the ceremony as well as recognition on the UNC IT Awards webpage.
  • As a bonus, Silver sponsors may send one representative to the UNC IT Awards ceremony free of charge.

  • Bronze sponsors contribute $750 and $1,499.
  • The sponsors receive recognition in the printed program for the ceremony as well as recognition on the UNC IT Awards webpage.